06 March 2005

The 'good life' consists of simple pleasures...

especially on a Sunday. Good coffee in the morning. Going to the toy store [HD] and picking up two new pieces of 48 x 24 substrate. Getting the lawn tractor fixed - not so simple, but a pleasure. Getting around to grouting the elven piece so that I can move on with it.....

While my brother-in-law delivered my Christmas present - to discover and fix my tractor which screams and dies when I attempt to engage the blades, I finished up the first round of grouting the horse under the trees on my outdoor worktable which I set up for the first time. Not bad until you know that I purchased it prior to the hurricanes coming through last year. It breaks down and folds up so it's a nonpermanent item in the yard.

Mosaic is turning out nice, I will post photos tomorrow. The horse will have four colors of grout.... no telling at this point about the elf Himself. Started to glue down the base skin color... Standing back and looking at it - it's going to be even better than I thought.

I am going to have to put another group of tile in to soak for the new piece that the substrate is for and work on getting them off tonight - my nails and the tips of my fingers are black from grout [again].

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