05 July 2005


I went into work today after a nice four-day weekend - no problems on the horizon other than I had lost a day and would have to really put the proverbial 'shoulder to the wheel' to get the usual entries finished by tonight so Wednesday wouldn't be such a nightmare.

I was rudely awakened out of my pleasantly hazy world by the weather expert that shares my alcove... there is a threat on the horizion.

At least we will have the weekend, but it's still not a fun time coming.

You can check out the little bastard here

04 July 2005

The 'studio' has arrived...

My long awaited storage container arrived Friday morning. It was delivered at around 9:30 a.m. However, it took two hours and a heavy weight tow truck to get the delivery truck out of the mud. That is a story unto itself.

The day before, Spike got his first real road mission: To go in with me to work and then go onward to Home Depot where I picked up four 8 foot long 6 x 6's to keep it off the ground. Pouring down rain driving a light 4WD truck with mud tires was a white knuckle flight, but we did it. After making it home with no accidents or incidents I decided that he had paid for himself. No way could the van have moved those posts.

Friday morning was bright and dry - but every day up to that point had received rain twice and so the ground was damp. The truck driver was game, he said it could be done and it was... it was when he was trying to back out that he found a wheel eating hole that almost swallowed his axle. Once the towtruck arrived, he was out in minutes, but I have some serious ruts I have to fill - gravel is the most likely fix at the moment.

But, the container is watertight, dry with a good wood floor and will soon have storage racks to keep things fairly organized - at least in the beginning.