14 June 2009

Digging out...

It's one of those things... I have been overcome by my day job - but with the recent wins of two of my pieces in EBSQ shows I think it's time to rock off dead center and get back to work.

I had one Member's Mention several years ago with "The Savage [beast]" and since I became an EBSQ life member earlier this year, I decided to enter others. "Jessica" took a Patron's Mention in the 2009 show "The Figure in 3-D" but it was the "Lust of Parthenope" which hit the top in taking a Member's Choice in the "One Word Concept: Scintillating" show that just closed.

Like I said, time to get back to work. More on that later.

Changes to the family have finally smoothed out. I lost my old working Rottweiler, Tory, in October - which effectively shut down any creativity for a while - and adopted a rescue Thai Ridgeback female named Maegge who has become a priceless addition. She is the young maiden to the now old male, Vain. Sully the youngster still rocks the tail and is as nuts as his mother. Some days, I wish I would have had a trainer in the area to have worked him in Schutzhund like his uncle Tory was worked, but that has never been possible. Oh, excuse me, my bad - Schutzhund is now Vielseitigkeitspruefung für Gebrauchshunde.

My personal stress relief to balance the day job has been the belly dance troupe I am in; started that a few years ago and have been performing with them for a year. I just started classes with the big dance studio in St. Pete a few months ago and make the trek every Saturday.

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